B. Xen Osiris Zane

B. Xen Osiris Zane is a genderfluid person who uses all pronouns interchangeably. Zie is an actor, musician, filmmaker, & since you’re reading this, you probably already discovered that they also write books. Zie usually writes in the genres of Supernatural Fantasy, Horror and Dark Comedy. The stories usually contain strong LGBT characters.
Although not in their usual genres of LGBT/Dark Fantasy/Horror, Zane’s first published book “This Marine’s American Dream” was the autobiography of their father in law, Arthur Talmadge Sr. After Arthur’s death, The book acknowledges that it was ghost written by Zane.
Over the years, Zane has used their love of storytelling as a lyricist, a poet, journalist, LARP plot developer and screenwriter.
Zir love of screenwriting led them to begin a pilot for a six season, epic dark fantasy Tv series “Cursed Worlds” which served the inspiration for this book series. Zie followed many suggestions from industry readers and had gone through several rewrites, often with very conflicting advice. Eventually the Screenplays looked nothing like they envisioned. Wanting to tell the stories as they were conceptualized, Zane decided to adapt the original screenplays into a novel format.
Although, “The Cursed & the Tall Man,” was the script written first, Zane felt “Blood Elf,” would serve as a better introduction to the series, given that it ventures between two of the worlds visited in the series “Cursed & the Tall Man” only takes place in New England.
When not in the middle of one of their creative pursuits, B Xen Osiris Zane enjoys making pillow forts with their French bulldogs, Sir Snax McMuncher & Dame Tasty Surprise… and crazy little pug pup named Lord Waffles Wigglesworth.